Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How We Named Our Daughters

Sharing about our daughters is one of my favorite things to do, or did you not pick up on that?! ;) Today, its all about the naming game, thanks to Andrea and her Show and Tell link up.

My first born was named within the week of finding out her gender. At 20 weeks inutero we had her full name picked out and I was addressing my bump as 'Kinsey Olivia'. 
The planner in me had a name list going, about 20 or so that I really liked. A few samples included Alora, Samantha, Kinsey, Tawny, Olivia and Isabella. (I know, ALL over the place!) And from that Master List, Brian butchered crossed off the ones he didn't like.  From there I pulled 4 names (but can't even remember the other two) which we would assemble into her first and middle names.  Brian came up with the order of Kinsey Olivia and the rest is history ;)

Some fun Kinsey facts:

  • The Graco stroller/ car seat pattern we bought was called "Kinsey".  I noticed this after we had registered for it and after we had named her, so it was like a big ole confirmation. 
  • Sue Grafton's protagonist in her Alphabet Mysteries is "Kinsey Millhone".  I first read A is for Alibi when I was 18 and can reread these til the end of time.  It didn't have any bearing on her name, but I definitely have a big fondness of reading about her and get a thrill every time is see "Kinsey" in print.
  • Kinsey definitely lives up to her initials- she is a one-two punch when it comes to personality!  Sassy and smart, you can't have a better combination.


Our second daughter was not named until I was about to give birth to her.  It took 9 months to settle on her name and we ended up having to make it up!  Brian and I just could not agree on a name and going back to Kinsey's old name list just didn't feel right.  Brian and Kinsey were stuck on "Lana" and I just couldn't- I am forever scarred by the character of Lana Lang from Smallville, played by Kirstin Kreuk.  Can't stand the character, can't stand the actress.  And so, the name was not doing it for me by way of bad association.  

One day while driving home from work in a daze the name "Brielana" just popped into my head.  And mulling it over I liked it more and more.  A few days later, without ever telling Brian about the invented name, he was talking about liking the name "Brie" paired with "Lana" and I felt a jolt of lightening course through my body.  With the dopiest smile on my face I told him that was the exact name I was thinking about!  And that was our sign.  I wrote out four variations on how we could spell it and he chose this arrangement.  Her middle name was dependent on her due date, I was sure she would be a 4th of July baby and we thought it'd be cutesy to pay homage to that (Glory and Liberty being forerunners.)  But Kennedy won out and she is a 4th of July baby!

Some fun Brielana facts:
  • Brie cheese is my favorite and we may have been a little influenced by Brie Bella and the entertaining mess that is Total Divas.
  • So many people can't pronounce her name, which I find really funny.  Its just two names joined together Brie/Lana.  Even some members of our family can't say it right! 
  • She and Brian share the same initials: BKS. 

I love my daughters names and the personalities that go with them.  I wouldn't change a thing about the process and like how different both experiences and births were and the little beings they both are!

How did you name your babies?
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  1. What great stories about your naming process! I love both names - unique and lovely.

  2. I love how you came up with those names :) Adorable!


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