Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Why We heart Our Local Library

National Library Week

In celebration of National Library Week I complied a list of why we heart our local library (and why you should, too!)

FREE. It's completely FREE. All the books you could ever want to read. And then some. And in our network of libraries, if one branch doesn't have the book you're looking for they will have it sent over from a branch that does. Now that's service!

Responsibility. Children as young as newborns can own their own library cards. Talk about instilling responsibility!

Children's Story Time.  Every week the children are relegated with a story and craft that is age appropriate and fun.

Monthly Family Movie Night.  The selections of the movie varies but Maleficent was the last feature and before that was Despicable Me 2!  Maybe not current movies, but good ones nonetheless.

Bargain Books.  Sales are always on-going and you can't beat a .50 cent book!  Or swap-a-book paperbacks are available too.

Quiet.  Learning how to be quiet in the proper context is important for children to learn and having it modeled all around you in a library is about as appropriate as you can get.  (And sometimes it's nice just to be still and quiet, know what I mean?!  Mama's out there, can I get an "Amen"!)

Donate.  Have old books lying around that you don't want to read anymore?  Doing a bout of Spring Cleaning and wondering what to do with those old novels/magazines?  Donate them to the library!  They can always use a few good reads.

And my ultimate favorite thing about the Library- instilling a love for the written word.  Children these days have so many digital gadgets that the weight of a book in their hands is probably not a form of entertainment.  Flipping through pages is probably a far-out concept apart from a school text book.  Let's raise readers.  I know my Library has given me that opportunity and I want to pass that on to my daughters.  Will you join me?

Do you utilize your local Library?
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  1. I have such great memories of my local libraries. When I was a kid our town library was in an historic, beautiful old house. It had two stories complete with rickety, creaking stairs. I loved being there.

    1. Sonja that sounds like perfection! I only wish ours was a historic building, but I guess I'll settle for 'down the street' :)

  2. We LOVE our local library and my kids have all had cards for years. Our closest library is going through renovations (thanks to all our late fines-ha) but they still have a "pocket' library open and we use it weekly. Great reminder post for everyone!

    1. Yay for raising readers! I bet the new library will be worth the wait, thanks Macy.

  3. Our library is our favorite part of our town. They do plays and puppet shows, and just show lots of love to my kids. It's awesome! One of the best parts about it is it's always a good spot to volunteer!

    1. I am so encouraged to hear other families loving their local libraries! I may have to suggest puppet shows to our branch; so fun!

  4. I love going to the library and always have - if only I could convince my husband... he has a thing about buying books instead of checking them out! It's ridiculous.


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