Monday, May 11, 2015

9 + 10 Month Favorites

9 and 10 Month Favorites baby products

9 and 10 Month Favorites by work-it-mommy on Polyvore

Hanna Andersson Sleepers- the coziest PJs!  Since Brielana is trying to walk on her own(!!!) and is pulling herself up on everything, having the footless bottoms helps with her stability and keeps her legs from sneaking up into the sleeper and making her look like a legless blob. 
Hyland's teething tablets- these little babies are miracle pills.  They dissolve instantly and really do calm a fussy, teething baby.
Comfort and Harmony cart cover- days of only Bjorning it in Target are coming to a close.  I pulled out Kinsey's old cart cover and she sat in it like a champ.  Of course there was snacks involved to keep her from trying to twist around and stand up, but I'll call it a success.
Fisher Price Activity Table- Brielana loves this play table.  There are a bunch of different activities, a million songs and everything lights up.  She looks so proud of herself, standing up and playing with this thing.

Tervis water bottle- poor thing never learned how to drink from a bottle and with aid she will drink from a cup, but she just discovered sister's straw bottles and she loves them!  Of course after a while she just sips and spits and the front of her pjs are soaked, but at least she can now quench her thirst!
So, not the same cup, but look how happy she is!  This type of lid did NOT work for her.

I am in shock at how fast this little Nugget is growing up!  How is she 10 months old already?!  Wahhh!

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  1. love all of these items except I never heard of the teething tablets! Who knew?!

  2. Love those jammies! I've never heard of the teething tablets either. Mim's working on her top teeth, so we might have to check them out!


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