Thursday, October 1, 2015

Teaching Together Blog Hop: Pirate Curriculum

 Teaching Together Blog Hop

Welcome to the first Teaching Together Blog Hop!  Amanda, Courtney, Beth, Courtney and I are so glad you could join us! I am sharing the Pirate curriculum Kinsey and I have been navigating lately (pun definitely intended ;).

Ship Shapes:

I (cleverly) named this 'puzzle' Ship Shapes.  I made a ship using basic shapes and then traced and cut out said shapes to make a paper puzzle.  Great for use as a puzzle, to review shapes, and can use a ruler to measure.

Counting Doubloons:

(printable Doubloons from here.  Thanks to good ole Pinterest!) I traced and cut out the numbers 1-20, glued them onto white paper and added dots to correspond with each number.  Kinsey's in a big number kick which I'm heavily encouraging; whenever I ask her "how old are you?" she promptly responds, "K-I-N-S-E-Y" :) So anything number related gets two thumbs up.  This activity also encourages one-to-one correspondence by showing how each dot represents the numeral it adds up to.

Painting Craft:

This satisfied our artistic side. We painted and decorated a small wooden treasure chest from Michael's.  We used acrylic paints and stick-on gems (similar.)  They aren't the stickiest, so using a dab of glue would have been a good idea.  #hindsightproblems, ha!  A small collection from her hoards of jewelry is tucked safely inside.  

And what's a treasure without a map?  I had a pyro moment lighting the edges but I was super safe doing it over the kitchen sink. Check out that artwork, I clearly need to work on my ocean waves ;) 

And there you have it!  I can't wait to see what everyone links up so I can get some new ideas/ projects to share with Kinsey!  Don't forget to grab a button and see you back here on November 5th!

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Work it Mommy
Work it Mommy


  1. Arrrgh!!! What did you do with the treasure map? Just creative drawing? Or did you hunt for the treasure! I love the treasure chest. Oh hey was THAT the treasure =) yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me. That ship puzzle..ship shapes, you kill my fave though. How clever!

  2. A pyro moment lol! Love it. That treasure chest is on point! Great ideas. And could be a super fun party idea too!!

  3. So fun! I agree with Courtney, this would make a great birthday party.

  4. How wonderful!!! Love that treasure chest… I often clean out my jewelry and give my girls stuff that I've 'outgrown' for their treasure…. they love it. Totally forgot to link up! Next time… is it next month?

  5. What a fun idea!!! I love the puzzle and the gold dablumes would be right up Mason's alley! He's been working on his number lately too so I may have to make this for him :)

  6. Lol at the pyro moment! Mommy good at its finest I tell ya!!!
    Ya'll...that treasure chest is amazing! I might have to make that wth Lily. I'm a bit ashamed to admit my daughter has hoarding tendencies and would love it!! ;)

  7. The whole ship/pirate theme is amazing! I would never come up wth something this clever! I love the little chest and treasure map. I feel like that might be something. Marcus would enjoy!

  8. What a fun idea! The treasure chest turned out especially cute! Seriously, how did we ever come up with our own craft and project ideas before Pinterest!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  9. So much fun! We occasionally really get into the "piratey" stuff so I will have to remember these activities for that!

  10. What a fun idea to do a pirate curriculum! My husband loves pirate stuff, so I think he'd even be on board with these activities! Love!


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