Wednesday, November 18, 2015

15 and 16 month favorites

15 and 16 month favorites

Crayola Color Wonder Animals Coloring Pad / VTech Go! Go! Smart Wheels / Clangers Plush Toy / Clangers ShowCrayola Color Wonder 10 Mini Markers / Toothbrush

Brielana has been growing right along these past two months and her choice of leisure activities reflects this fact: 

She has discovered the joy of coloring and I have discovered the miracle that is Color Wonder. These things are great, they really do only show up on Color Wonder paper! No marks on the walls or clothing. Though there is the small matter of her chewing off the tips...

Brielana has finally found a show to call her favorite. We only watch it sporadically and she only can watch 5 minutes at a time, but when she is paying attention, she is enthralled. Clangers are these mice that talk in whistles and it's narrated by William Shatner. I know, sounds amazing, haha.
With her crazy teething, toothbrushes have really been great in easing gum pain. She likes chewing on the bristles which cleans at the same time so I call it a win. Parent-supervised, of course.
These smart cars are her toy of choice at the moment. They sing catchy songs (though I could probably come up with cleverer lines), light up and make beeping/car sounds. I have my eye on the track for Christmas :)

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  1. Those are the best colorin books and markers!! No mess equals happy mommy!! :) we have a. Inch of those V-tech cars. They are fun but annoy the crap out of me. Ha ha!

  2. Color Wonder- a blessed gifts to moms everywhere! One tip of advice, do not get the color wonder finger paint... messsssy. Might as well jus get out the real paints!

  3. Those Go Go Smart Wheels are STILL a hit over here! Mason got the train set last Christmas and is getting the RC one this Christmas. We love them too!

  4. Great picks! We loved taking those color wonders on road trips! No mess in the car. Winner, winner!!

  5. I adore Color Wonder. I have issues with messes and those markers and paper are just perfect for OCD moms (and toddlers, haha)!

  6. Love colour wonders!! I used to colour them myself!!!!

  7. Ez would love that bus. He's got the police car version, which has the most annoying song ever "I'm driving in my police car, going to fight the crime!" Kinda creepy to be so cheerful about it... I'll have to look into the tracks for him for Christmas as well. Sounds like a must have item.

  8. Yes to Wonder Color! Those things are MAGIC!
    I've never heard of that show! But, William Shatner narrating - must be amazing! :)

  9. I got to try those Color Wonders, I always get anxious when Chloe has a marker in her hand wondering where it is going to end up on her clothes or something else! I love that pic of her with her toothbrush, I am always happy when you can knock two things out in one!!!

  10. Connor insisted on having a spin brush toothbrush but yet refuses to use it. So guess who is using a Mario Spin brush? ME!

  11. I still love the color wonder markers. Those thing are the best, EVER!

  12. Color Wonder was our jaaaaammm!!!! We still use them for long car rides. Not sure why though because her carseat has so much crap on it that we wouldn't even notice marker drawings. ha! Also, Lily use to hide our toothbrushes because always let her chew on them. I even give mine to Ben periodically if I need to finish up and he is overrrrr itttt.

  13. I need to get on the color wonder bandwagon. I hear such good things and we have never tried it.


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