Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Brielana's First Haircut

A few weeks ago, when everyone was going crazy over the Super Bowl, Brielana got her very first haircut. I was so hesitant to cut it, I mean, it took almost 5 years to trim Kinsey's hair, for heavens sake! But girlfriend wouldn't wear clips and those bangs just poked her right in the eyes. And call it a sign that Brian's cousin who is a hair stylist was there!

It took all of 5 minutes and Brielana sat still and didn't say a peep. Come to find out, as I reviewed the photos that my SIL took for me, that she was giving the stink eye the whole entire time. HA! 
And that hand in her face served a very important purpose; I was the official hair collector and saved those precious snips in a tiny, ziplock bag and taped it into Brielana's baby book.

Also, twins much?! :D
Me on the left, 1 year old // Brielana on the right, 18 months

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Linking up with Jess.

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  1. Sweet girl! She looks so much like you in that comparison picture!

  2. Her stink eye cracks me up. What a good girl for sitting quietly for 5 minutes. Cam wiggles and asks when he's done. Ha ha!

  3. So cute! I love the bangs and the stink eye! Noah did great at his first hair cut (right after his first birthday) and then flipped out every time we went after that for probably a year. I'm so glad we have been back to calm hair cuts again, especially since with boys you go a lot!

  4. Love the comparison picture! Our boys usually grow out their shag until we can't stand it, then we get out the buzzers! Buzz cuts all around!

  5. Oh wow, I can't believe how much she looks like you!! And the stink eye - lol.

  6. She looks so much like you! So pretty!!! Love it!

  7. Aaaahhh she looks so sweet with that new haircut, love it!

  8. You are twins, how cute! The cut turned out adorable. The stink eye is way better than Ez's 1st (and 2nd - 5th) haircuts. I won't even take him anymore. There's screaming and flailing, and everyone involved instantly ages ten years. I wait for the grandparents to notice how wild his hair has gotten and offer to do it for me, even though he traumatizes grampa with his tears. Apparently a young cute girl cut his hair last time and he behaved much better, so I guess that's the trick ;)

  9. Her shorter bangs are adorable! And she handled it like a champ! Even with a little stink eye haha. You guys are totally twins!

  10. Aww hair cuts! Yeah Aria hasn't had one yet. She is all no way about it. But at least she loves her bows. But only the little bows, I don't want the big bow mom.

  11. how cute! I've been on the fence about bangs for Miss H. Her hair is so curly and crazy we've already gotten it cut twice in 2 years. We're probably due for another too. The joys of curly hair!

  12. Goodness gracious, these pictures are adorable!!!

  13. Hahaha! Her face. I love that she sat so well and so patiently but totally gave the stink eye the whole time!

  14. Her face!! Hahaha!! I love it.
    I was on the floor of the barber shop after Marcus' first hair cut, collecting every little snippet. :)

  15. Her stink eye is so funny, you should see out those pics in her baby book!

  16. Her stink eye is so funny, you should see out those pics in her baby book!


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