Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Girls Behind the Blog // January

I have been looking forward to this Kid's Behind the Blog link up since last month! Why, you ask? Well, Brielana was finally included in the interview! I will make note to ask the girls at separate times going forward since Kinsey kept trying to lean over and whisper answers in Brielana's ear ;)
What’s your favorite thing to do or play inside?
Kinsey: Play with my Magic Clips! I like my plastic toys in the house. 
Brielana: Ummmm toys.

Have you ever seen or played in snow?  If so, what’s your favorite snow activity? 
Kinsey: No
Brielana: nods her head yes (haha)

What was your favorite Christmas or holiday gift you received?
Kinsey: Who got us the lip balm?
Me: mommy.
Kinsey: Ok, the lip balm.
**It should be noted that she was all about her lightsaber so I'm including it below.
Brielana: Something that's mine, the lipstick (not to be confused with the lip balm that Kinsey is talking about, but a small Finding Dory lip gloss from her great gramma.) 
What’s your favorite winter vacation you went on? Why?
Kinsey: Um home! We stayed home.
Brielana: uh, Halloween!
In her defense, I had said "holiday" by mistake, haha.

Would you rather live where it’s warm all year round or have the seasons?

Kinsey: Season's because it's fun sometimes. (says the girl whose never seen snow.)
Brielana: Uh, I want a 'nack. 
Me: Ok, but first, sun or seasons?
Brielana: Sun all da time.
**Growing up in California we know no season's except that is rains a little in the winter and spring. But this winter it has actually gotten pretty cold (in the 40's) and a few times last week I had to scrape ice off my window shields with a Macy's gift card, no less. This question about "seasons" is very elusive for us!

Have you filled out my Blog Questionnaire yet?

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  1. Awww, sweet Brielana! I'm so glad she could participate. I'm waiting for Emmy to join. I thought maybe this month, but she wasn't cooperating. I didn't even think about the fact that they've never seen snow or had extremely cold weather. It's crazy how different things can be from one side of the country to the other.

  2. Scraping ice with a gift card, lololol! I can totally see it in my head and it is awesome. Love this interview I am so happy that both girls are now participating!

  3. Yay! So excited Brielana gets to join in now!! I’m cracking up over her answers. I love that Halloween was her favorite winter vacation. Your girls are such dolls and I just adore them, friend.

  4. haha, with a giftcard too funny! And I had to explain seasons to my kids too, LOL! I love these interviews, I hope they never stop!

  5. I totally laughed at your seasons answer! I will gladly trade you as I watch snow fall outside my window! It's pretty but shovelling it and driving through it is no fun. I hope your Macy's card still worked afterwards!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  6. I love how 40 is cold. It was 7 a few days ago!

  7. I agree with Stephanie. haha! We've been hanging tight between 0 & 10 for a while, however it has started to warm up. And warm up to us is like 20-30. Once it hits 40, I pull on my fleece & Cash can wear his "light" winter jacket to school. hahaha!

  8. I love that brielana will be joining in from now on!!! And it was in the 40s (and cloudy) here yesterday and we were all like, it's beautiful out, you don't even need a coat to run to the car lol! I guess it's all relative when it was 18 degrees the day before!

  9. Ha ha I love that Kinsey said all seasons when she's never seen snow!

  10. First off, I'm dying that you used a Macy's gift card as an ice scraper - lol! And Brielana's answers are my favorite ever of TKBTB. So cute!

  11. I literally laughed through this!
    And, lip gloss as a gift?! Seriously, every. single. little girls dream come true!
    And, Whitey, I'm dying over the fact that you used a gift card to scrape the ice of your windshield. BAHAHAHA!!!


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