Monday, January 8, 2018

Growing up Clark // four month edit

Growing up Clark // four month edit
Weight | 16.14 78th%
Length | 25.25 58th%

We hit that dreaded sleep regression. For two weeks there was extra night waking nursing sessions which left me useless and exhausted. I'm chalking it up to a growth spurt/milestone achievement as he is also thisclose to rolling over from back to tummy.
Growing up Clark // four month edit
Clark’s hair is growing in! Long gone is the receding hairline, old man comb over. His hair may be getting lighter too. If his eyebrows are any indication of coloring we may have another sandy hued kid ala Kinsey.

Bring on the bibs the drooling has reached a new level. Since Clark refuses to take a paci he’s also slime-ing his hands so they always feel cold and clammy lol.
Growing up Clark // four month edit
The cooing, babbling and smiles are constant. It makes my heart want to burst and my cheeks hurt from smiling. These are the best moments.

Kinsey has totally surpassed the Best Sister Award, the girl is a little mommy. She will talk to Clark to calm is crying, hold him in her arms, everything. They have such a sweet bond. Brielana is less gentle but her heart is in the right place as she coos and talks to him throughout the day. Either way he gives his sisters thee biggest smiles and all is right in the world.
Growing up Clark // four month edit

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  1. Oh my goodness! He is getting so big and is looking more and more like a Smith baby!

  2. That last picture. Oh my word, all the heart eyes.

  3. I still cannot wrap my head around four months. And, I think he's your mini!! I see so many of your features.
    As for the three of your babes. That last picture is everything.

  4. I can't believe he is already 4 months old! It looks like your girls are smitten with him! I hope you get some sleep soon! XOXO

  5. What sweet pictures of him! Kane just yesterday started rolling back to tummy, so I'm hopeful that the sleep will improve. Although somehow I feel it is unlikely.


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