Friday, July 6, 2018

Greetings from Arkansas!

Doesn't that title just conjure up images of old post cards sold on boardwalk piers and at tourist destinations? No? Just me?
Greetings from Arkansas!
Well, friends, we are settling in to our new State; after a full 24 hour day of travel (and I'm not even exaggerating. I'm still recovering. It may even be its own travel post) waiting over a week for our moving freight to arrive and adjusting to the time zone change & weather differences, it has been a very f-u-l-l three weeks!

Brielana’s 4th birthday / Fourth of July was a nice break from unpacking boxes. Celebrating many, many things this summer with a grateful heart.

Thank you for sticking around & being patient as we embrace our new season of life. I have a few fun posts to share about a couple of new-to-us products, a Birthday recap and a more in-depth moving post, because who doesn’t like those?! ;)

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  1. Good luck settling into your new home! I can't wait to follow your adventures in Arkansas!


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