Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Currently 014

March went by entirely too fast! I suppose this is just how life goes from here on out. Joining Anne to share what we are currently up too!
Currently 014 on Work it Mommy blog

Experiencing | 
All the feels. I’m still processing some sadness over missing Family, disbelief over how fast Clark has morphed into a proper toddler, shock over the realness of Bea starting KINDERGARTEN in a few short months. All in all, just a bunch of mom stuff. 

Appreciating | 
The newly arrived Spring weather! I was told there was four seasons here but that’s a lie lol. So far its been hotter-than-heck summer and longest-winter-ever; trying to soak up as much mild sun as I can before that humidity and hotness come through.

Wishlisting | 
A few household goods like new bed linens and baskets (spring is my refresh time, I'm sure I'm not alone) and some eco-friendly kitchen supply upgrades, think silicon food storage bags and bee wrap instead of plastic or aluminum foil. 

Posting | 
Not that consistently. I go through phases of great intention then disdain and flippancy; it’s a first world social media problem, for sure. I just want to find that happy middle ground and it is being elusive. Any advice or words of encouragement in this area are welcomed!

Considering | 
What new hairstyle I want. Actually I know I want it short but when this will happen is anyone’s guess. I am so bad at getting myself to a stylist, its embarrassing ridiculous. I just don't care enough to prioritize it until it's really out of control. 

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  1. I'm enjoying the Spring also. The warmer days, chilly night and the storms.

    Once Upon a Time

  2. Like you, I'm SO appreciating spring. Even though it comes slowly here (and even though we had snow yesterday), I'm looking at the forsythia branches I'm forcing in a canning jar, and I know the real thing won't be far behind.

  3. It seems like we skipped spring and went straight to summer over here. We're already in the hotter than heck part!

  4. My baby turned 5 this past Monday and I have to register her for Kindergarten on Monday, I'm in total disbelief and denial that it's time for this already!! She's my 4th, you would think I would be used to this by now ;)


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