I don't blog on the weekends. I never feel guilty about this. Frankly spending uninterrupted time with my family is magical. But today I'm on a roll. I just primed and painted some walls, did some gardening and added a photo display to a really ugly, bare expanse of a wall. All this enthusiasm will not go to waste! Might as well add a blog post into the mix :)
This wall is a thorn in my side.To me, it's useless but until I find out for sure if it's structural in any way, it has to stay. (Plus, we really don't have the money right now. A little detail, right?!) So this monstrosity is part of our small galley kitchen and is the back side of some upper cabinets. And apparently it's made from concrete because for the life of me I can't hammer nails into it.
{I'm sparing you from seeing all of this disaster. You're welcome.}
This little inconvenience made me invest in some heavy duty 3M hooks. Bad idea. They worked for about 4 months and just yesterday a framed certificate popped off the wall and shattered everywhere. Nice greeting when I returned home from work. So it was back to the drawing board.
And then it hit me. I have been in love with this idea since I pinned it back in the day (I know it's been lurking in my Pinterest account for a long time, in any case.) I modified this design to suit my needs (no nails required) and I love how it turned out. Yes, I'm still using 3M hooks, but since I'm not hanging glass frames, I'm feeling more confident.
I just measured out where I wanted to have my display, slapped up some hooks, threaded with twine and got to hanging with mini clothespins. Voila! My problems are solved.Though I fear now I'll be investing a lot more money to develop all the pictures on my phone...

{This is the best $1.49, I ever spent. Love this twine!}
Have you completed any weekend projects recently? Feels good, right?!