Monday, June 30, 2014

Month 9 (final!) Bump Update

38 weeks!
 How Far Along: 39 weeks:: Ninth month:: 3rd Trimester
Size of BabyBaby #2 is the size of a watermelon.  For comparisons sake: Kinsey weighed 7.12 at birth (at 38.4 weeks) I weighed 7.02 (in 1985) and Brian weighed 8.02 (in 1986).
Total Weight Gain: 31 pounds.  I lost 2 pounds since my last appointment, but I hear that's common when approaching the end.
Maternity Clothes: Now that I've started maternity leave, PJs all day, every day! :)
Gender: Another little Princess!  And I'm proud to report we finally have a name!
Movement: Like clockwork, Baby Girl gets hiccups at 10:30p every night.  Since she is low in my pelvic, her kicks have become painful!
Sleep: Thank goodness for naps!
What I Miss: Being able to jump up and do anything.  Not being able to chase Kinsey around or play certain games.
Cravings: Fruit all the way: grapefruit, berries, nectarines.
Symptoms: General uncomfortableness.

Highlight of the Month: Total Nesting syndrome but I'm feeling so accomplished!  I've cleaned out the fridge, scrubbed floors, washed windows, made almost all the freezer meals our freezer will allow, washed all the things baby will be using and ordered the last of the "stuff" to round out the registry.  Whew!

36 weeks
37 weeks
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  1. Replies
    1. Yes Mama! Fourth of July baby! Brielana Kennedy :) Totally slacking but pictures to come soon! Thanks for checking in, Hon.

    2. Yay congrats! Hope you are both doing great. Can't wait to see pics

    3. We are, thanks Girl! Maybe its a 'second baby thing' but my body seems to be healing faster and mentally I already know what to expect so life is good- busy, but good :) I posted a picture- check out "She's Here" (sorry I cant link it for you)


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