Thursday, May 25, 2017

Month 6 Bumpdate {Baby Boy}

How far along: Second Trimester :: Weeks 21- 25
Size of baby: Grapefruit
Weight gain: 162 pounds // 22 pounds gained. So a thing happened- I gained 9 pounds in 4 weeks. I don't know how I feel about this. Actually, I'm a bit horrified. I did some research by looking at Brielana's old 6 month update and apparently I had gained 10 pounds with her; I've come to the realization 6 months is when my babies grow the fastest. And that's my story, I'm sticking to it.
Maternity clothes: I'm trying to prepare my wardrobe for summer which is tricky in and of itself as our summer's are unpredictable. I think I'll wait a couple of more weeks before investing in tank tops but I'm pretty much done with buying anymore maternity wear.
Movement: Predictable movements around 10-11a and all manners of night time shenanigans.
Sleep: Still good. I've found I can still sleep comfortably on my back (why is that bad to do again? haha.)
What I miss: Feeling comfortable in my own skin. I adore being pregnant but growing a human is tough physically and mentally.
Cravings: All the fruits. Veggies with Ranch.
Symptoms: My back has started to hurt and every few days Baby Boy decides to stretch out my insides making things very uncomfortable. Heartburn is becoming a daily nuisance. Oh and joy, I coughed and peed. Gotta remember to cross my legs ;) 
Highlight of the Month: Liz sent me the biggest box of baby clothes and it seriously made my heart so happy. Thank you friend!
Month 6 Bumpdate {Baby Boy}
Week 21
Month 6 Bumpdate {Baby Boy}
Week 22
Month 6 Bumpdate {Baby Boy}
Week 24

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Me Before You // Collaboreads {A book that became a movie}

It has been a hot minute since I last contributed to Collaboreads (as in there is a new host!) but I finally got my act together and read a relevant title (yay!) so I'm joining Kristin and Rachel in their book lovers link up. 
Me Before You // Collaboreads {A book that became a movie}
This was what I call a happy accident as I had just finished reading JoJo Moyes' Me Before You last week when a very convenient email showed up in my inbox detailing this month's Collaboread prompt. So long story short this post came to fruition : )

I may also be the only person who hasn't seen the movie yet. I'm just throwing it out there seeing as the last movie I did watch in theaters was Inside Out. Sadly, there will be no comparison between the two. BUT I did just check out After You from the library and I'm excited to start reading!
Me Before You // Collaboreads {A book that became a movie}

Goodreads Synopsis:
Louisa Clark is an ordinary girl living an exceedingly ordinary life—steady boyfriend, close family—who has never been farther afield than their tiny village. She takes a badly needed job working for ex-Master of the Universe Will Traynor, who is wheelchair-bound after an accident. Will has always lived a huge life—big deals, extreme sports, worldwide travel—and now he’s pretty sure he cannot live the way he is.

Will is acerbic, moody, bossy—but Lou refuses to treat him with kid gloves, and soon his happiness means more to her than she expected. When she learns that Will has shocking plans of his own, she sets out to show him that life is still worth living.

A love story for this generation, Me Before You brings to life two people who couldn’t have less in common—a heartbreakingly romantic novel that asks, What do you do when making the person you love happy also means breaking your own heart?

I had a fairly good idea what this movie was about because of the movie trailers but wanted to read the book because I'm a fan of Moyes's writing. This was one of those books that sneak up on you as it starts off pretty slow and unassuming and then takes off. I can't imagine the burden that Lou placed on herself to motivate Will to want to stay alive but that caregiver-patient relationship can be all consuming.

Lou was a refreshing character; she stayed in her safe box and didn't do anything heroic and yet you felt like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Sadly she had had something traumatic happen to her in her teen years which explained her small existence, but instead of feeling sorry for her, I marveled at her tenacity. I also admired her relationship with her family as I am close with mine.

Will was a fascinating character as he was trapped between who he was before his accident and the man he had become due to those circumstances. It was a very heartbreaking realization in the end when he still chose death over life. I admit, I sobbed.

I can't really link another title to this one but I will say my own mom (who is an employed caregiver) is a supporter of the mercy killing community (and forgive me if that is not what they like to be called) and is adamant that me and my brother let her die when she sees fit and not "string her along if she's a vegetable." This sounds morbid and my mom is still very young and active but those are the kind of emotions this novel evoked.

This was a library check out so it still had the original cover which I prefer to the movie adaptation cover (and that goes for all book to movie crossovers) 

I may also be the only person who hasn't seen the movie yet. I'm just throwing it out there seeing as the last movie I did watch in theaters was Inside Out. Sadly, there will be no comparison between the two. BUT I did just check out After You from the library and I'm excited to start reading!

I gave this a 4 out of 5. Even though I was sobbing at the end and really routing for a different ending, it was a beautiful read and one I'm happy to have experienced.

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Friday, May 19, 2017

Lemon Bars // Yellow {A Year of Color #5}

Lemon Bars // Yellow {A Year of Color #5}
It's Year of Color time! Yellow is one of my happy colors so I have been looking forward to this. But then go time arrived and my mind was blank (I totally and vehemently blame pregnancy brain for this predicament.) Then my lovely friend Kelly had us over at her house (full disclosure, I invited myself and the girls over, it was that kind of day) and her husband graciously gave me a sack full of the prettiest and most fragrant lemons from their tree. And as the saying goes, when life hands you lemons, make lemon bars! This is one of my favorite Family recipes, Montecito Lemon Bars.
Lemon Bars // Yellow {A Year of Color #5}
This recipe is from my Gramma (and I believe she got it from a close family friend) I actually made these for my first work meeting at Gap when I was 19 years old and let me tell you, I was very popular. I am not above bribing or swaying people with food. It always works ;)

These babies are not overly tart or sweet but have a nice lemon flavor (the grated rind really adds a nice kick) and smell so good.

1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 cup flour

Cream butter and sugar, add flour. Press into a 9 inch square pan, brown in oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

1 cup sugar
2 Tablespoon flour
1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder
2 Tablespoon lemon juice
grated lemon peel
2 eggs, beaten

Powdered sugar for dusting

Sift together sugar, flour and baking powder. Add lemon juice and grated peel. Add eggs. Pour over crust and bake additional 25 minutes. Cool and dust with powdered sugar. Cut into squares. Enjoy!
Lemon Bars // Yellow {A Year of Color #5}

Now it's your turn! Add your link below. Thank you for joining DesireeJustineStefanie and me for A Year of Color! Next month's color is purple 
and the link up will be on Friday, June 16th!

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Lemon Bars // Yellow {A Year of Color #5}

Monday, May 15, 2017

Tiny Letters // May

It's been a few months since I last joined Kristin for her Little Letters link up, feels good to be back! But of course I have everything ready to go on Friday and forget to publish. Sigh.
Tiny Letters // May

Dear Podcast App,
I know we just got acquainted two days ago but I can already tell this is the start of a beautiful relationship. You've added joy to my work commute and for that alone I am thankful.
Now spam me with your favorite podcasts. Please and thank you.

Currently queued:
The Parent Normal
The Popcast (thank you, Kristin!)

Dear Kinsey & Brielana,
We are thisclose to summer vacation and I can taste it! Thank you for making this year back at work not feel like a struggle, you are angels. And with that said lets make this the best summer ever! 

Dear Students,
It's not you, it's me. I'm already in summer vacation mode so forgive my vacant stare and slow responses. I promise these last two weeks together will be fun!

Dear Self,
I have to keep reminding myself to be kind and gentle on you. You are in the throes of growing a life and sustaining your own and it's marvelous, sorry for being hard on you.

Dear Baby Brother,
Only 17 more weeks until your arrival! We're all so very excited to meet you! What will you look like? Or should I say, who will you look like? Just know you are loved and that two big sisters are anxiously waiting to cuddle you.

Dear Starbucks Happy Hour,
I'm a week late but now that I know you're happening I feel like making up for lost time. Starting with the S'mores frapp. Naturally.

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Tiny Letters // May

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway

Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway
Hey hey! I've been looking forward to getting a Maternity Fix since I found out I was expecting, and let me tell you, waiting for the belly to pop was like a test of patience ;) But I'm pretty sure the wait was worth it because I got a box full of goodies and a fun giveaway (and if you're being impatient, you can totally scroll to the bottom and enter, I won't hold it against you.)

So, I requested Madison since she did such a stellar job back in February but she was unavailable and Blake subbed for her. Well now I got two stylists I can choose from so I'm sitting pretty over here!

I requested a pair of distressed boyfriend jeans, an embroidered top, something in blush and a Maxi dress. Check, check and check! Lets see what I got.

Alice Blue Jolanda Embroidered Tunic | $58 {small}

Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway
I absolutely adore this top. Bonus that it is non-maternity so I can still wear it without feeling awkward after baby. I have already worn this for Cinco de Mayo and have it slated for 4th of July, ha! Kept.
Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway
I wanted to love these maternity jeans because they are exactly what I asked for but the cropped hem just didn't do it for me. Looking at the pictures it looks better than it felt and you know I'm all about comfort. Plus the full panel hit mid bump and was really tight, another negative. Returned. 

Liverpool Maternity Kona Distressed crop Boyfriend jeans | $78 {size 6}
Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway
This top was such a beautiful color! And the tassels were adorable. But I don't wear tank tops and on the top was short and the buttons were starting to gap. Kinsey really liked this top but it just didn't make the cut. Returned. 

Daniel Rainn Maternity Ruffle detail blouse | $64 {small}
Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway
Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway
These TOMS booties were the surprise item in this box. I love the TOMS brand but lets be real, these do not go with my mommy/preschool teacher lifestyle. They were however very comfortable for a stacked heel and oh so soft. Returned.
Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway
TOMS Majorca perforated peep toe booties | $98 {size 8}
Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway
Gilli Ryland 2fer Maxi Dress | $78 {small}
Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway
Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway
And this gorgeous maxi dress. Look familiar? Haha. This is how I know Blake is a keeper, she picked out something for me that I basically already own. So needless to say, I didn't keep it but bonus for being nursing friendly. Returned.
Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway

And now you're in for a treat! I've teamed up with some fabulous ladies to give one reader a $150 Stitch Fix gift card! Use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Giveaway runs from Tuesday, May 9th through Monday, May 15th and ends at 12AM PST. Winner will be announced that day via email. All entries will be confirmed. Good luck!

This Mother's Day giveaway is hosted by:
Courtney // A + Life
Desiree // Macke Monologues
Elizabeth // Chasin' Mason
Emily // Emily Enchanted
Kerry // XO Kerry
Kristin // Taz & Belly
Whitney // Work it Mommy
So go check out what these ladies received in their Fixes! I know I've pinned a few goodies myself :)
Stitch Fix #3 {Maternity} + $150 Mother's Day giveaway

And just in case you need a quick rundown on the Stitch Fix service; you set up a free style profile which is quick and fun and decide how often you want a Fix to arrive at your door. There is a $20 styling fee that you can use towards any item you decide to keep from the box of 5 items. If you decide to keep everything you get an additional 25% off. If you want to use my referral code you would give me a little credit, thank you! 

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