Friday, January 26, 2018

Tiny Letters 1.18

I’m weeks late to Kristin’s link up (seems to be a blog trend this month, my bad!) but I’m sharing away any way!
Tiny Letters 1.18
Dear goals,
Lets stick together this year, okay?
Tiny Letters 1.18 from the blog Work it Mommy
Dear rain,
Welcome! Stay awhile, please. 

Dear Kinsey,
You make me so proud. Your love and care for Clark, your (mostly) goodwill toward Bea and sharing your toys; you're coming into your own as a big sister. Also, your reading is blowing me away! I can’t believe you’ll be turning seven in a few short weeks, sob.
Tiny Letters 1.18 from the blog Work it Mommy
for the life of me I can't get this picture to be right, so annoying.
Dear Brian,
Thank you for pitting up with me during this diet. I know I've been wacky-doodle and hard to put up with so I appreciate you giving me love and support anyway.

Dear Whole30,
Three weeks in and I’m not completely hating life. Being mindful of what I put into my mouth instead of whatever was on hand is a huge switch for me but one that was much needed. I’ll have a full report at the end of the month!
Tiny Letters 1.18 from the blog Work it Mommy
Dear Brielana,
You are one funny kid. Between your speech intonations and pronunciations to your cute little voice, you've got everyone here wrapped around your little finger.
Tiny Letters 1.18 from the blog Work it Mommy
Dear Clark,
Stop growing so fast. I’m really trying to savor these baby days and you're not cooperating. But seriously, you are such a blessed addition to our family, we love you.
Tiny Letters 1.18 from the blog Work it Mommy
Dear capsule wardrobe,
Oh how I've missed you! Being able to fit comfortably into my clothes postpartum has opened up a world of possibilities. I'm actually taking more time to get dressed in the morning because I have so many great mix and match options. It really is the little things in life.

Dear hair,
We’re at a strange place in our relationship, you're falling out on me left and right and I just don't know what to do with you. I think a new hair cut is in order (which seems a bit ironic seeing as I'm losing so much of it on the daily!) but I just don't know what style? Any suggestions?

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  1. I can't wait to hear about your Whole30 experience!! You have been rocking it.

  2. So I really dwindled my wardrobe down when we moved in with Russ' parents and I haven't missed a huge closet, at all! You are amazing for doing the Whole 30 thing, I am pretty sure I could never pull that off.

  3. I kind of want to cut my hair too. I need to either do it or just learn to work with what I have.

  4. I want the rain to come this way!
    Super intrigued on your W30 journey. Cannot wait to hear the recap!

  5. Rain! Please send the rain to us! It was so nice for like a week and now we're back to summer. Ugh.
    So excited to hear your recap of the whole30 and super proud of you for sticking it out for a month! I really need to get back on that bandwagon... as I sit here eating a couple peanut butter cups I just bought at Trader Joe's... oops.


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