Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Lessons from Motherhood

Can you believe it's only five more days until Mother's Day?! In honor of the occasion I am sharing ten lessons motherhood has taught me:
1. Sleep, where did you go? I was an epic-sleeper; weekends were all about sleeping in, naps were my bestie. I can sleep in a moving car at will (that I can still do but the opportunity doesn't arise as often anymore.) How is it that such little babies interrupt your sleep so much? I may have to inject here that we are a co-sleeping family so both Kinsey and Brielana have been in our bed up until 2.5 years old. And by that count, Brielana's days are numbered. Yet I doubt that all-consuming s-l-e-e-p will ever come back into my life and I'm actually okay with that- maybe that's a sign of growing up ;)

2. Mulitasking is the only way to get things done. I'm pretty sure I was good at multitasking before but I have since upped my game like, whoa. At any given minute I'm thinking about what I'm doing, what needs to be done, who's where doing what and what they should be doing, and what the heck are we going to eat? They say multitasking isn't actually "a thing" but I say whoever said that isn't a mom.

3. Being concerned about someone else's bodily functions is real. 'Nuff said.

4. I have a new respect for my body. It has gained thirty-plus pounds twice, grown my babies, went through labor and delivery and though it isn't the same  (things just don't seem to be in the same places anymore) I have a greater appreciation for how amazing a woman's body truly is.

5. Boobs have a greater purpose. Along the same lines as #4, I may never know what it'll be like to have big boobs but I have dedicated almost four years of my motherhood to breastfeeding my daughters and it is a beautiful experience.

6. Since being a mom I understand my own mom more. But that doesn't mean I want to parent like her and that's okay.

7. Some days are hard. But by the grace of God I get through it. Tomorrow is always a new day.

8. There are as many ways to parent as there are parents. All ways are good. I dont get shaming or looking down on other methods? Lets all congratulate each other for surviving!

9. Finding your Mommy Tribe is essential. From texting and play dates to just knowing what your'e going through, having a support system makes those low days tolerable. And then you can laugh about them together later.

10. Nothing will ever prepare you for how much love you will feel for your child. It is a scary, fierce love that can move mountains or cars if need be. And that feeling just keeps growing. And then you add another baby to the brood and it grows even more. It is an never-ending spring of love.

Linking up with Beth and Karli.
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  1. I love this Whitney!! For each one I was shaking my head. The ones that amazed me the most was what my body can do and how much I love my children. IT's the coolest thing!

  2. These are lovely and I can relate to so many of them! Especially the love!! Oh and the sleep.. The sleep changes though!

  3. Oh yes to the sleep, the multitasking, and the love! Really I agree with everything you said here!!!

  4. Such a sweet post friend. I wanted to pick my favorites but I love them all so much I just can't :). #5 Did make me lol though. I used to have boobs, really I did and then they disappeared forever and ever.

  5. Yes, yes and yes! I love this post, Whitney. I didn't know you did extended breastfeeding. So cool! I wish I could have gone longer, but my body wasn't having it. :(

  6. I can relate to so many of these! Oh sleep... And really, what in the world did I do with all my time before I had kids?!

  7. What a sweet post! It's so true- all of them! Especially how much love you have for them! It's unbelievable and undescribable!

  8. Love this post! All very true. Although I still need my sleep and I milk every extra second I can get, haha. Fingers crossed that #2 is a good sleeper (although I have a feeling we won't be so lucky to end up with two good sleepers!).

  9. This year has gone by incredibly fast. Yes if I didn't multitask nothing would get done haha.

  10. Perfection!! I know that I often put myself on the back burner because I'm focused on C's well-being. As we've moved along in our journey, I've found more time for me and to do things I love too.

  11. Awww, I love this! #3! So #3, so much so that people all around us were asking about it. Let's just say my first kid would go 21 days without pooping. Mostly people felt amazed and would just ask, so when was the last time he pooped, or has he pooped yet today, haha! Good thing was, I didn't change a poopy diaper for a good 3 months!

  12. Number 10. Oh man. So many tears. So true. I often sit at night and just have such anxiety because I love those two babies more than I ever thought was possible. Great post!

  13. I knew having kids would disrupt sleep, but I don't think I *really* had an idea.
    And boobs. Yes. I'll never know what it's like to have a big bust, but I do know what's it's like for these gals to have an actual purpose.
    Thank goodness for the momma tribe. There are days I'm sure I wouldn't survive without the tribe.

  14. Whitney this list is SO good and so true!! I love having a mommy-troop as well, even the non-mommy troop of mine is just as supportive! It truly takes a village to parent and I am so happy with that!
    I also blogged about 10 things this Tuesday if you want to head on over to my blog and show some love! Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thank you Sheridan! Having a support system is vital! We're social beings and need that, amen!

  15. It is really amazing what our bodies can do. We get down on ourselves about the changes but we should be proud! I agree about understanding our own mothers more. It made me have a whole new respect for mine. And #7, you gift live by that!

  16. YES! to all of these. Every single one.
    Especially number 10! I swear I look at Mason and my heart wants to burst because I love him so much and am so proud of him!

  17. Yes! Yes! Yes! Having people that support you is so important & so crucial. Yes, your husband's support is hands down important, too, but there's nothing like your girlfriends supporting you & lifting you up, too!

  18. Yes to all this; you totally speak to my mama heart! Especially with the sleep and the breastfeeding and the tribe!!!


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