Monday, February 9, 2015

Hopscotch: Whole Child Learning

whole child learning, preschool, large motor activity

We're taking it back old school for this Whole Child activity: hopscotch!  Remember playing this during recess in elementary school?  Well, not only is it fun, but it engages a child as a whole: 

Incorporating numbers (or even letters!) into the Hopscotch grid adds focus and concentration and may even help some children learn more actively (those who are kinesthetic learners.)

Gross (Large) Motor is engaged when jumping, bending, balancing, throwing; any movements that challenge the child's whole body.
Fine (small) Motor skills are used when grasping and picking up the marker stone.
Eye-hand coordination is at work when aiming for a square on the hopscotch grid when tossing the marker stone.  Perceived depths and spatial relationships are also put into play.

Fresh Air.  Physical Activity.  Mental Stimulation.  Check, check and check!

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