Monday, December 12, 2016

Laureen from Chateau Deveau {The Mommylogues Series}

My newest guest for The Mommylogues Series is Laureen and I just adore her. I mean, just look at these pictures and tell me she (and her darling babes) aren't the cutest. I may also have a slight over-attachment problem since I sent her son a gift for the Summer Birthday Exchange and he loved everything :) 
Hey everyone!! I'm Laureen and I blog at Chateau Deveau, I'm a Catholic, wifey, momma bear, and work full time (outside of the home). I live for the weekends, time with my family, and do my best to keep up with life (but I'll be honest, sometimes life wins..).

I'm currently switching between some gangsta' rap and instrumental Christmas music, reflecting on my journey as a mother - it's full of contradictions (as are my music selections), and a few things (ok, at least one thing) I am certain of..
Growing up, my mom had a small print in her bathroom with the quote, 'there are two things we give our children, one is roots, the other is wings'. Now, more than ever, does that really resonate with me. I'd LOVE to be that mom in the Capri Sun commercial, but I know from experience, failure, picking yourself up, and growing those roots is SO important, as well as inevitable. One of the hardest parts of being a mother, for me, is letting go - letting go of control, perfection, and whatever pre-conceived notion I have in mind. Sometimes plans get de-railed, moments get disrupted, and kids are kids.. In learning to let go, which is definitely a work in progress - our faith grows stronger, unexpected events can be exciting, and moments become teachable.
From pregnancy to preK, there are a range of emotions in this motherhood game (and yes, I know, we're just getting started). One of the first 'motherly' things I learned from my mom, happens to relate to ALL stages and phases in life--put it in the Lord's hands. Everyday I pray for Him to place his protective hands around my children, keep them healthy and safe. Everyday I think, how can I raise these sweet and innocent children to thrive in a world that might not be as such?! Everyday I ask for grace from above to be best I can be for these little ones. Some days these feelings are the highest of highs, others, the lowest of lows. No matter what, I know the good Lord is there to give me strength, guide, and protect us.
Through this journey as a mother--all 4 (and a half, almost) years--I KNOW, I don't know it all. Each stage brings new challenges (and joys), ups (and downs). Sometimes it requires reaching out to a friend, consulting a book, or giving myself a break with a stiff drink. Journey can be defined as 'travel somewhere'.. I'll be honest, I don't always know where we're going in this, but I know equipped with my faith, support system, and those I love most, it will be interesting if nothing else. And as you may know, sometimes the moments that are unplanned turn out to be some of the best..
Either way, ENJOY THE JOURNEY, have faith, and embrace the unexpected.

Follow our real life on the blog, the 'gram, and Facebook.
Big THANK YOU to Whitney for having me!!




  1. Love this! It's all so true. As moms I think we too often put pressure on ourselves to be perfect or have it all together when in reality our kids just want love and to be near. Great job Laureen!

  2. Love the last line of her post. I need to write that down somewhere.

  3. Thank you again for having me, Whitney!! Such a fun series. :)

  4. I adore Laureen, and her faith is unwavering and inspiring!

  5. LOVE this. And seriously there were never truer words : enjoy the journey, have faith, and embrace the unexpected.


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